COR votes to pass the laws of Federal Budget and Provincial Elections
In its 13th plenary session held on Saturday March 3, 2017, the Iraqi Council of representatives voted to pass the Federal Budget Law of 2018 and the budgets of the Supreme Judicial Council, the Council of Representatives and the High Commission of Human Rights in addition to ending the vote on Provincial Elections Law.
The session was chaired by H.E the Speaker Dr. Saleem al-jubouri and attended by 187 MPs.
At the outset of the session, MP Hakim al-Zamili the Chairman of the Committee for Fact-Finding and Investigation on the case of the head of Pharmacists Syndicate submitted a report in this regard.
The Council concluded the first reading of the legislative proposal for the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Paris Convention attached to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992, submitted by the Committee of Foreign Relations.
The Council concluded the first reading of the legislative proposal for Law of Rights and Protection of Engineers submitted by the Committee of Services & Construction, Finance, and Legal Affairs.
The Council finished the first reading of the legislative proposal for the amendment of Law of the Independent High Electoral Commission No. 11 of 2007 and submitted by the Legal Committee.
The Council voted on the estimated budget for the Judiciary Authority for the fiscal year 2018.
The Council completed voting on the estimated budget for the Council of Representatives for the fiscal year 2018.
The Council ended the vote on the estimated budget for the High Commission for Human Rights for the fiscal year 2018.
The Council voted on the legislative proposal for the federal budget law for the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2018.
The Council also voted on the legislative proposal for the Provincial Elections Law, especially the paragraph related to Kirkuk provincial elections
Al-Jubouri announced a meeting on Monday to vote on a number of important laws.
The session was then adjourned to Monday March 5, 2018, at 11 p.m.
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Council of representatives