COR votes on 4 parliamentary resolutions and finishes reading 2 laws
In its 31st plenary session held on Thursday November 16, 2017, COR voted on four parliamentary resolutions, finished reading 2 laws and started the first reading of the legislative proposal for Health Insurance Law.
The session was chaired by the First Deputy Speaker Sheikh Dr. Humam Hamoudi and attended by 181 MPs.
At the start of the session, Sheikh Hamoudi announced the dependence of the presidency board on the videotaping of the three timing slots rather than depending on signature.
The Council voted, in principle, to proceed with the procedures for the legislation of the legislative proposal for the Agricultural Land Leases Law submitted by the Committees of Agriculture, Water& Marshlands, Finance, and Economy & Investment
The Council voted on the recommendations of the Committee of Deportees, Immigrants, and Expatriates regarding the return of displaced persons to their areas.
The Council finished the vote on the candidate members of the Committee on the Kidnapped, Order No. (159). Members of the Committee included Gaida Said Abdul Majid, Abdul Rahim Al-Shammari, Najat Sayer, Intisar Ali al-Jubouri and Ashwaq al-Jubouri.
The Council voted on the accession of the nominated members to the Ad hoc parliamentary committee Order No. (196) to address the housing crisis in Iraq. The Committee included MPs Hamdiya Abbas Mohammed, Sadik Saleh Mahdi Al-Laban and Mohammad Naji Mohammed.
The Council voted on a parliamentary resolution concerning the salaries and entitlements of volunteers of the Public Mobilization Commission.
MP Kamel al-Zaidi, head of the committee assigned to follow-up on the Kurdish MPs who participated in Kurdistan region referendum, read a report about the MPs who participated in the vote.
Then MP Samee’a Mohammad al-Ghallab was sworn in as a MP in the Council of Representatives replacing MP Mohammad Rikan, who took over as Anbar governor.
The Council started the first reading of the legislative proposal for Health Insurance Law submitted by the Committee of Health and Environment.
The Council completed the first reading of the legislative proposal for the Second Amendment to Compensation of those affected law, the victims who lost part of their bodies due to the practices of the former regime No. 5, 2009 amended by the Committee of Martyrs, Victims and Political Prisoners.
The Council also completed the first reading of the legislative proposal for Fine Arts Law submitted by the Committee of Culture and Information.
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Iraqi Council of Representatives